In collaboration with a mission team traveling with Freedom’s Promise, we were able to deliver six instruments and two much-needed instructional sets to influential musicians and educators in Cambodia:
Rose & Perlito
In Poi Pet, Cambodia, Rose and Perlito have been serving and educating in a local school and also traveling to surrounding areas to the point that their previous guitars had worn out and broke. We delivered to them a newly refurbished acoustic-electric made by Seagull Guitars so they could keep up their work pouring into youngsters and aspiring musicians in the church and school they serve at in Poi Pet. The Seagull S6 was recently reviewed as the best mid-level guitar and its such a privilege to distribute quality instruments: Link to article.
12-year old Roshan lives in one of the roughest areas of her country. She and her family spend a lot of time serving in the town trying to make it a better place. One of the ways they do that is through music. She had a smaller starter-violin that she had learned on but she just outgrew it. This violin came at a perfect time and will allow her to continue her studies and her service.
Until now, Koy and his musical family had no percussion instruments to lead songs in their regular community gatherings. Koy is a spiritual leader serving at several school and church locations (some of which are planted in the darkest places in town) in Phnom Penh. Koy and his family had a guitar donated to them from a visiting mission last year and now they are thrilled to receive these!
Jerwin is the leader of music at Bridge of Hope in Poi Pet. Jerwin said he had been praying for training materials for his school… Well, we are very grateful to bring these drum and guitar digital training classes to teach students in Poi Pet. Each course from the Gibson Learn and Master series features hours of professional-grade training from masters of the guitar and drums.
Just the beginning…
These success stories of getting quality instruments into the hands of leaders and educators in Cambodia are hopefully just the beginning of our work there. We’re grateful to our supporters and partners Gruhn Guitars Nashville, Elixir Strings, and Gibson Learn and Master who make this possible.
We are thoroughly stoked about every instrument that we deliver. However, there are lots more unfulfilled situations (many that we’re aware of) where having access to quality instruments would be a game-changer like it has been for Rose & Perlito, Roshan, Koy and Jerwin. If you are all-in to give the joy of music, would you consider joining our Core Support Team and sponsor 1, 2, 4 or 20 instruments per year? You’ll receive a photo of each recipient you sponsor holding their brand new instrument.