The MISSION of Instruments of Joy is to see more than 10,000 under served musicians given a quality musical instrument in Jesus’ name.
Our mission is to provide quality musical instruments to musicians in need.
Instruments of Joy is a 501c3 tax deductible nonprofit organization.
Countless lives impacted.
Recent Story:
Frederson Joseph | Kenscoff, Haiti
“I was shocked and amazed when I received the guitar! I am going to use it for two things—to praise God myself and to help others praise. My ongoing dream is that every time I go somewhere to sing in concert, people may come to Christ. I want to be able to help needy people, especially in the countryside—to be like a fountain of blessing to others. Music is the best way to communicate to God and connect people to God. I know God will give me some songs on this guitar so everyone can sing and reach God … not only in my country.”
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How it Works
1. Collect
We collect instrument donations, repair them, and also buy new ones.
2. Partner
We partner with relief groups to match instruments with recipients.
3. Deliver
We deliver the instrument to a musician in the developing world.